Deterioration with Dentures: 5 Ways to Slow Down Jawbone Loss

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 3:36 pm
older man holding his face and looking concerned

You’ve seen photos of people who have a sunken look in their faces. They can look years older than they really are—all because they have traditional dentures. When you lose teeth, your jawbone deteriorates over time, aging your appearance and weakening your bite.

With traditional dentures, there isn’t really a way to stop this process, but you can slow it down. Here are some tips for holding onto your jawbone as long as you can.


What Happens If You Put Off a Root Canal?

November 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crsmile @ 2:09 am

Model of a tooth after a root canalRoot canals have a bad reputation for being painful, but many of the rumors you might have heard are untrue. Root canals are pain free, but you may still hesitate to schedule your procedure. Whether you’re concerned about pain, don’t want to deal with the expense, or have another concern, delaying the procedure will open the door to many preventable complications. Here are the risks you’ll face if you put off root canal therapy.
